
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Spring has Sprung

Well at least I think Spring has come.  Where there was one bunny

Now there are two more, one of which is a baby.

The guy at the shop did warn us they multiplied.  I guess cold weather doesn't deter them.

It hasn't been a warm spring, that's for sure.  Just last week we had a frost warning.  Frost, in mid-June!!!  I have struggled getting the vegetable garden in because I was afraid to plant out the warm weather plants like basil, peppers and pumpkins.

It was a good year for tulips though.  They like it cold.

Last summer I moved all of my spring flowering bulbs and plants to one side of my flower bed and grouped them together.  I was looking for impact and the results were beautiful.

Just as I had hoped, cushion spurge mixed well with pink and white tulips, the hostas opened up and complemented the daffodils.

The anemone has finally spread into a considerable mound and provided a fantastic backdrop to pink and purple tulips.

Of course, there's always a few hiccups along the way.  The late frosts killed off the majority of our apple blossoms.  and the daffodils appear to be dwindling.  Usually daffodils multiply and expand but this variety seems to be dying off.  So I will need to try a different variety next year.  Something a little more robust.  Any suggestions for a favourite daffodil and where to buy them?

Saturday, June 13, 2015

A Big Hug and Many Thanks

It was a cold and rainy morning but despite the weather it was a great day to shop for plants.

A little rain was no matter for these shoppers.
Just put on your wellies and pick your plants!
I want to say a heartfelt thank you to all the many many people who, once again, pulled off an amazing Community Plant Sale.

To my fellow committee members, Beatrice and Donna, thank you for the time you commit each year to making this event happen.

A warm hug to Melda and Anne for handing out coffee and muffins, keeping us fed and caffeinated throughout the day.

Many thanks for all the hands that shovelled manure including Bill, Cliff, Ben, and Tapani.

Our manure loading area
No one would find our sale if it weren't for JoDee's amazing posters and signs guiding them to the site.

Thank you to Rhoda for selling raffle tickets and providing her beautiful rhubarb and dahlias.

Huge thanks to Gordon, Penny, Ginny, JoDee, Calleen, and Mari for a superb sales job.

For Ira who helped move picnic tables, once, twice, three times over and was our all round 'go to' guy.

Many thanks to Hayden for picking up a load of compost and to Jamie for providing the manure.

They might be wet but they're having a great time
A massive hug to the many many many people who donated plants.  I don't know all your names but we are truly grateful for your support.

We had a fantastic raffle once again this year and the prizes were stunning as always.

Thanks goes out to Melda for her hanging planter and the gift basket,  to JoDee and Floyd for the eye catching birdhouse and to Bill Van Kempen of Van Kampens Nursery for the lovely iris.

A special shout out to Gail Kern and husband Joe of The Summer Garden in Argyle Shore.  They made an astounding donation of several hundred tomato plants.  There was Honey bunch, Juliet, Mountain Merit, Marbonne, Rose de Berne, Plum Regal and soooo many more.  I think there was around 30 varieties in total.  We all know how much I love my tomatoes so you know I brought a couple home with me to try out.

And finally, thank you to everyone who came and shopped.  Your dollars keep our old one room Schoolhouse a vibrant part of the community.

Which reminds me....  the Rhubarb Social is on Tuesday, June 16 at 6pm.  Location, the Canoe Cove Schoolhouse .... see you there?