
Friday, June 8, 2012

Just Triumphs

I'm needing some respite in the garden after a long and weary week.  I have no capacity for tragedy today, all I want to see is triumph.  So let's ignore the weeds shall we and just look at pretty things?

This bird feeder I picked up at a garage sale two summers ago was put out in the garden.  I don't actually feed the birds due to feline household members but I like the pretty carved birds that sit on the edge.

I toured the flower garden looking for new blooms and was not disappointed.  The sweet woodruff is pushing out new growth at the foot of the apple tree.

At the plant sale this year I bought three new hardy geraniums as I liked the dark green and highly divided foliage.  I had no idea what the blooms would look like but was delighted to find a few flowers adorning them now.

They are a mid-size bloom and quite purple.  A very pretty addition to this bed.

The hardy geraniums I purchased last year at the sale are also putting out flowers.  These are tiny blooms but they pack a punch.

That hot pink is quite visible even from a distance.  Jacob's ladder have also started to blossom.

I kept meaning to move these plants to another spot in the garden but now that they're blooming it will have to wait until fall or even next spring.

And finally, the roof is complete along with gutters.

Avert your eyes from the mass of weeds in the foreground
Roof shingles echo the look of cedar shingles on the side of the house
We found that putting the gutters back up was a lot harder than taking them down.  Were they straight? Did water run in the right direction when they were mounted?  Did the water leak out holes in the bottom instead of into the drain pipe?  Hoses, ladders, caulking and nails have figured prominently in our lives these last weeks but finally the work is through and I've been spending some time gawking at my new roof.  This old house is starting to look rather spiffy lately.  I wonder what will happen next?


  1. The house and garden are really outdoing each other. It's great watching their progress. This blog is a wonderful keepsake of memories for you and your family.

    1. Thanks Melanie. It is really fun for us to look back at the start of this all. The results of our work are much more evident when we old pictures.

  2. I have the same bird 'feeder' ~ I keep it filled with water and the birds enjoy it for drinking or taking a little bath!


    1. Meg, I wondered whether to call it a feeder or a bath! When it rains it tends to fill up with water and it certainly would make a good bath.

  3. A new roof dresses everything up and makes the whole house and garden look good. Spiffy indeed!

    1. you're right, overall that roof just makes everything look nicer. and I sure feel better about how this place looks now too.

  4. Your new roof looks fantastic. Love the long shot of your house and garden. It really looks great! Your hard work is really paying off!

    1. Thanks Karin, I hope in a couple years time that flower garden in front will really expand and the long shot will be a bit more impressive. All my eyes wanted to see in that photo were the dandelions.

  5. The house, and garden, are looking loved and cherished.

    1. Thanks Diana, it's a labour of love isn't it?

  6. I don't see weeds, I see a house that is unbelievably gorgeous with detailing that can't be duplicated in this day and age...I see history, and love for a garden.

    Great job.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

    1. Thank you Jen. I need reminding sometimes how lovely this place is despite the rough edges.

  7. Spiffy is right. Very nice!! Lovely, loved and cherished, as Diana said. Perfect in fact.

    1. Brenda thank you. All these kind words are making me blush!

  8. Great looking roof, I'm sure you are glad that job is finished esp. going up and down ladders. It's only 7 p.m. as I write this and feel ready for bed..entertained our granddaughter two days in a row which we love and thirty degrees in the carport..same for tomorrow..Our 15 foot blue plastic pool is going up!
    All the flowers look amazing as usual..I'm like you, the flower gardens interest me more than the veggie garden, but love eating fresh picked vegetables..melting in Muskoka...Lannie (Happy Gardening)

    1. Lannie send some of that heat this way! We got hit with more wind and rain yet again this weekend. Will I ever get those peppers out in the garden? we haven't put away the ladders yet unfortunately, Jody's taken it into his head to start painting....

  9. For me, your new roof is more noticeable than the weeds in your garden because the shingles are clearly placed properly, even when seen from afar. I'm actually amazed with it because the shades seem to change from navy blue to gray, depending on the angle of the perspective, and they are both suitable for your house. As for the gutters, as long as they are installed correctly, you won't have to inspect them frequently.
