
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Malware Warnings

Firstly, a big thank you for the many concerned emails and messages I've received today.  It seems many of you are receiving warnings from Google that my site has malware attached to it.  I wouldn't have known this had you not told me as oddly enough I wasn't receiving the warnings for my own site!

Not knowing what was going on I did some internet searching and discovered this is a big problem right now.  In a nutshell, malware is bouncing around from blog to blog and linking through our respective blogrolls.  You can read more about this issue in the attached links as well as some ideas of how to fix it if you are also being affected.

Luckily my blog doesn't appear to have malware itself but I had a blog listed in my roll that was affected.  In an effort to stop this malware from spreading I have removed both my regular blog roll and my PEI blog roll on a temporary basis.  Hopefully they will be reinstated in the near future.  Thanks again for your emails and happy blogging.


  1. I'm so glad your blog is okay! I need my weekly dose of Canoe Corner!! :o)

    1. Thanks for emailing Tammy! I was really suprised to find out people were having these issues.

  2. Did they say what was happening to the blog or how the malware is manifesting? I will take down my blogroll too if this affecting WP sites. Thanks for the alert and links.

    1. Hi Donna, no I'm not aware of what the result is of the malware. I believe Google is supposed to actually contact you personally though if your blog has been directly affected and they will walk you through how to fix it. In my case I was simply linked through blogroll to an affected blog, The Inadvertant Farmer (sweetgrace.typepad), so warnings were coming up.

  3. I am so glad you got this fixed, I couldn't figure out how to let you know ....didn't have your email in my address book. Will go back to some previous posts that I couldn't open because of the malware.

  4. I am so glad all is fixed. I came by several times and was blocked by the message. I finally used my Ipad to email you...seems it does not affect Apple. And thanks for the links just in case it should happen to any of us.
