Oops sorry, wrong photo. Those cats are always getting in the way. They know exactly where to find me to beg for treats. Here's the photo I was looking for.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
A Cutting Garden
I spend a lot of time in my kitchen. I eat snacks there, cook meals, make morning cups of tea, wash dishes, make lists, leave notes, feed cats, use the phone. It is the hub of our home. There is a window over the kitchen sink which I often find myself looking out of. This is the view.
I look out directly across the front porch and toward the garage. If you look closely you'll see my square foot boxes and the beginnings of the vegetable garden. I like the idea that I can look out my kitchen window and see veggies growing. Perhaps it will encourage us to use those vegetables in our meal planning. Obviously as my vegetable garden grows things will start to fill out a bit but it has occurred to me that wouldn't be nice if there was something bright out there to direct my eye to. That garage looks awfully plain and most of the vegetables are green in colour and will blend with the lawn surrounding them. I've read over the years about cutting gardens and have always thought it would be just great to have a garden strictly for cutting of bouquets. One of my favourite pleasures when visiting my parents used to be walking through my mother's garden and collecting flowers for the table. And so the idea came to me that I can install a cutting garden with my vegetables. Perhaps a large bed running the length of the garage. The colours of those flowers will draw my eye and create a view when looking out my kitchen window and the flowers will also help to draw bees and bugs to my vegetables for pollination. And I will have flowers for my kitchen table.
You've got to have a dream, if you don't have a dream... how you gonna make a dream come true?! ♪ ♫
ReplyDeleteSorry, that song came to mind as I read your post. Your dream sound wonderful, make it happen. :)
Thats a great idea. What a punch of colour it would bring! What a great bonus that you'd also get to enjoy those blooms inside too!
ReplyDeleteNice idea :D I really need to make a cutting garden. Don't know where I'd put it though...
ReplyDeleteLove the cat! :D
That was one of the first things that I put in at my home. Well, it is kind of a combo of flowers and veggies. I am a floral designer in Toronto, and have to have fresh flowers in my house, I just think it adds so much to a room.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about your climate but I love a hydrangea for color. But as I look over your large back yard, I realize the real void is a seahorse bird bath. If you add a triple-decker and paint stripes of color on it, you would be the envy of your entire neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteJust a suggestion.
Thank you soooo much for listing
@ Meredehuit, I'm not familiar with that song, sing it for me again? ;-)
ReplyDelete@ Laura and Kilbournegrove - one of the greatest treats of a flower garden is the ability to bring some of it indoors and share bouquets with others. I already have vases just waiting to be filled!
@Kyna - Mr. Funnyface says thank you
@ Lifeshighway - I love your site and had to spread the word. How many points would I get if I converted my entire lawn to yard art?
ReplyDeleteThank you for the Blotanical 'fave'.... it's such a delight to connect with gardeners near and far, and I've such a soft spot for Canada;-]
And cats! Last night as I was reading in bed I thought once again about the presence of cats on garden blogs: What a strong connection gardeners have with their cats. Not to be maudlin, but I thought about scanning a photo of a beloved pal of mine who is no longer around. Maybe she deserves to get her moment of fame, being simply the most wonderful, beautiful cat ever. Oh wait, that's what we all think!
Bay Area - I've noticed the same thing. There is a proliferation of garden cats (and dogs!) out there. I guess gardeners just love nature and thereby have a soft spot for animals. You could call me maudlin as well, if you read my Cats on the Corner page you'll notice a deceased member of our clan is listed.