The weather network tells me it's 27 degrees celcius today, and feels like 37 degrees due to the humidity. That's just insanely hot. So instead of working in the garden this afternoon I'm taking a siesta. However when it starts to cool down in an hour or so I still plan on getting outside. I work full time during the week so unfortunately I have to get my gardening time in whenever I can, whatever the weather. To make things a little easier I have a garden kit that comes with me wherever I go in the yard.
The first item in my kit is the bag itself.
You need something to carry all your stuff in. This bag was a gift from a girlfriend and I almost sold it in a garage sale prior to moving out east. Jody convinced me not to and thank goodness!! In such a large yard I can't always be running back and forth for stuff so this bag has been a godsend. It has pockets all round for various tools, closes easily with a magnet and it looks good so I can feel like I'm not such a grub when I'm out in the yard.
My first, must have, item in the bag is sunscreen.
I don't naturally tan so I have to make sure I'm covered in sunscreen at all times. Too often I've waltzed out the door into the yard forgetting my sunscreen and regretted it later. If I have sunscreen in my bag at all times it's unlikely I'll get burned again. I've purchased a bottle of spray sunscreen so when my hands are covered in dirt I don't have to smear myself all over. Also purchased, a tube of lip screen.
My second item is Gatorade
When you're hot and tired and your head is hurting it can be the end of gardening if you have to go to the house to get a drink. I'm more likely to lay down on the couch and not come back out. To make sure I don't collapse in this humidity I pack a cold bottle of Gatorade.
Not only does my skin burn but I'm a mosquito magnet. So I also need a bottle of repellant in my bag.
A garden bag wouldn't be complete without garden tools!
My husband bought these for me as a stocking stuffer a few years ago. They're meant for children but they work great for us big people too. My favourite attribute - they're light weight. I don't want to be lugging a super heavy bag on my shoulder all over the yard. These tools are great for all sorts of jobs I might encounter and they won't hurt my shoulder.
Something for cutting must also be included.
These are my go to, gummed up, use on everything scissors. The needle nose is great for deadheading and getting into tight spaces. The serrated edge also makes them great for cutting open bags of compost and garden twine.
My bag would not be complete without my absolute favourite tool of all time.
My felco pruners aren't lightweight but I simply can't do without them. They can be used for everything from teasing out plant roots when transplanting to pruning perennials and small branches.
And my final item are my garden gloves.
I won't show you a picture of my actual gloves because they're seriously yucky. But I have a pair each of the pink and purple Atlas gloves pictured above. These gloves are very thin and it doesn't feel like you're wearing anything at all. This makes it very easy to pick things up. I also have a separate pair of 'work gloves' which are heavier and used for things like firewood. I don't think you can ever have too many sets of gloves. One of the reasons I like gloves is that because as a kid I hated bugs. I couldn't stand to look at, let alone touch, anything resembling an insect. Things haven't really changed all that much. I don't mind photographing bugs now but I'm still a little queasy about touching them. Gloves have made all the difference. I can stick my hand in anywhere, pick up slugs and worms and I don't worry. These gloves make gardening possible for a person like me.
That's the basics of my garden kit. Various tools can be added according to the time of year or what project you're working on but these items are indispensable.
What a great idea! This is something I could use. Thanks for the tip! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a great way to carry your garden supplies. I assume the friend who gave it to you must have been a gardener; what a clever gift! I'm so glad you didn't put it in the yard sale. -Jean
ReplyDeleteI love peeking into other's tool kits! I need a garden purse!
ReplyDeleteMeredehuit and Laura, glad you enjoyed this! It's great when I can pass along something helpful.
ReplyDeleteJean, funny enough she isn't a gardener at all! But she is a thoughtful and creative person. This gift came equipped with tools, soaps and garden magazine stuffed inside. The bag was, initially, the only item I didn't use. But I had a much smaller garden then.
I love your garden bag, it looks a lot like my horse tack bag. Similar problem, different stuff.