
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

PEI Potatoes

It's that time of year again.
The signs have gone up.

The stalls are full.

and there are potatoes to be found on every corner

and gas station

Now you know why I didn't bother to plant potatoes in my vegetable garden this year.  Why plant them when I can buy them fresh off the field?


  1. I saw the sign for Irish Cobbler potatoes. How many different varities can you buy?

  2. Deborah, I'm really not sure. Seems there are as many potato varieties as stars in the sky around here. Most roadside stands don't have them marked, they simply say 'new potatoes'. But I have gone to the Farmers Market and seen red, white and blue potatoes. Some long, some round. Heck, there's even a Potato Museum here!

  3. You live in Potato heaven. An old friend of mine used to live in the Kootenays in BC on a potato farm. I learned more than I ever wanted to know about potatoes. I grow lots of different kinds because as you know there are different types for baking, mashing and frying :)

  4. I agree. Although so easy to grow, they take up a lot of space. If the farms around you are pumping them out you might as well just support them and buy local!

  5. Melanie, this is indeed potato heaven! personally I like them roasted with olive oil, garlic and onions.

    Laura, I have to admit I like growing potatoes because of the fun in picking them - it's like a treasure hunt - but I think a potato patch will have to wait until I've made room for all the other vegetables I want.

  6. I don't think I've ever seen signs from potato sellers lol. In Alberta, it was all signs for cherries and corn :D Down here in NC it's signs for shrimp and watermelon.

  7. Kyna, shrimp and watermelon! oh my. I'd take that over potatoes any day.
