
Saturday, January 8, 2011

A New Addition

I like to do my grocery shopping on Friday evenings after work.  Most people are quick to run home for the weekend and the stores are rather quiet.  Additionally the flyer sales start Friday morning so I'm usually able to pick up some good deals.

Last night, as per usual, I headed out to the stores after a long week. Snow was blowing and the shopping centre was delightfully empty.  I wandered the aisles and then my ears heard a voice.

Over here, Hi.

oh hello

Take me home.

oh, I'm not sure, the cart is really quite full.

Help me please, I'm going to die.    and I'm so pretty.

well, you are quite lovely I agree.  But I don't think you're on the brink of death.  Now those african violets, they really do look dreadful.

They're already goners, you can't help them.  Take me instead.  Before I meet the same fate.

so I himmed and hawwed and pondered, and then I remembered this.  Thank you Frances for your delightful words of wisdom.  Say hello to my new house buddy.


  1. Gee...I was sure that blog title said "A New Addiction"...))))

    Followed the link...very nice, missed that post. Yes, time to buy a few fleurs from the grocery store. Great idea. I am partial to primroses myself and yes, no matter what they say, you can put them out in the garden in spring and they will thrive.

  2. Loved this. I'm glad I'm not the only one who hears plants murmuring in the market.

  3. For some reason I don't consider grocery store offerings "real plants" - I must get off my high horse and rescue a few of those poor suffering dears...

  4. And here I was expecting a kitten!


  5. I think the grocery store has an evil plan. I can buy plants wholesale, but like a lot of readers, I too feel like these plants need a good home. And it is not like I even need one more. Evil plan I say.

  6. Ah yes, I hear that same voice all the time, especially when I'm passing the garden center sale table. All those plants, just begging for a second chance. And, of course, I usually give in.;o)

  7. Very cute! I think I hear the same call. As soon as the storm lifts I think I have to bring something blooming home. I can't help it, you understand! :)

  8. I am sure your Kalanchoe appreciates the rescue! I always give in to those voices as well. I guess those plants can spot a gardener a mile a way!

  9. Gardeningbren - LOL, that would be a good title! At least I limited myself to just one plant.

    Laurrie - plants and cats. I hear a lot of voices telling me they want to come home with me.

    Jane - If you follow the link you'll find that they aren't real plants at all! As Frances notes, they are actually necessary food stuffs.

    peihome - so close. I dropped off a donation at the humane society in December and practically came home in tears. thus far I'm holding up well though to the self imposed ban on cats. I simply can't afford any more at this time (and we're just getting over the cat wars now so I'm not inclined to start a new one)

    Gardenwalk - there certainly is some evil marketing scheme going on. I just wish I was a little more resilient.

    TS - garden sale, I don't stand a chance, nor do I even attempt to try. The last time I got caught at a garden sale I came home several hundred dollars poorer. some sale.

    Ms.S - I understand completely. At this time of year when the snow's blowing that little lift of colour is such a nice spot of sunshine in the house.

    Karin - they sure can. Lucky I only chose one. There were several pink and white ones that were calling my name too!

  10. Goodness gracious! So many of you hearing things too?

  11. Oh Marguerite that is so pretty. It's yellow too just like the canola fields. Do you still have family living back in Dawson Creek?

  12. Glad you rescued it because the Valentines flowers will arrive shortly and all the others will be greatly reduced. I bought a Poinsettia tree last year that was reg.$75.00 for $5.00.(Superstore) It is beautiful and still blooms though it does need some tender care.

  13. Ah, the siren call of the desperate plant! Glad you followed Frances and added non edible essentials to your grocery list!

  14. One - mass hallucinations apparently

    Melanie - My sister and her family still live there although I didn't visit for many years (sis preferred coming down to the coast for holidays). I only recently went back one summer ago when my niece got married. It was wonderful to see it all again with adult perspective.

    Witch - I looked at all those poinsettias at Christmas and managed to resist! I figured I would never be able to keep it alive. Kalanchoes don't like overwatering so I think I'll be okay to take care of this little guy.

    Plantaliscious - It's good to feed the heart as well as the tummy I think.

  15. some of the most wonderfull plants come calling from assorted places where their 'time' is nigh .. the thing is to listen and then act .. ah, life's lessons .. good for you, marguerite, for paying attention .. and for fairegarden's reminder .. enjoy the brilliance of this lovely guy who's come to join your garden ..

  16. If they aren't begging, or jumping in the cart they seem to follow us home somehow! Glad you decided to adopt a new plant! Such a nice yellow! Have a good day~gail

  17. Dear Marguerite, I love your new little friend! What brilliant color to cheer up a dreary, if white, as it is now for us, winter. Thank you for the nice linkage too, much appreciated. We must do all we can to recue these grocery plants, where the care for them can be less than idea. Keeping plant purchases under the radar, in the food category is wise with my accountant husband. :-)

  18. Jane - there's something to be said for paying attention to the little voices you hear.. :-)

    Gail - plants, cats, and candy. they always seem to make their way into the cart!

    Frances - the financier really IS a financier!! I didn't know that. Yellow seemed the right hue for our, also, very white palette outside. Spring is still a long ways away.
