
Saturday, February 12, 2011


Before finishing the Gardens I Have Loved Before series I thought I'd update you on life at the corner.   It's been snowing here for what feels like years, although I think it's only been about 3 weeks.  My beautiful roses that in June looked like this

Are now all but buried

Likewise our mailbox has just managed to keep it's head above the snow line.

You might remember seeing my compost bin a few weeks ago beginning to sink under the snow.  It's now completely inaccessible.  I managed to hike out to it but wasn't about to try prying open the lid.  

I dug a hole in the snow beside the bin instead and buried the contents of my compost pail there.  But we did had to do some digging today.  Back in the summer we piled all of our firewood in the driveway.  Close to the house but not close enough.  We hadn't considered that the snowplow would cover the woodpile in snow.

That's me digging the firewood from out of the snow.  An exhausting job.  We'll have to reconsider where we put the firewood next year.  Last year we tried the shed but discovered while the wood was covered, it was also too far from the house to carry.  Next year we'll have to try yet another location.  Now you know why I haven't started landscaping around the house yet.  We still have yet to figure out how to organize ourselves there.

After getting chilled to the bone outside I decided to come inside and ease my soul with a little glimpse of green.  The stems I cut two weeks ago are starting to show signs of life.  First to make an appearance were the pussywillows.

Followed by the rose branches

And then the apples

They're still small yet but just the sight of unravelling buds makes my heart glad on this wintry day.


  1. Ah yes, the battle of the woodpile! It's no fun when it's covered with snow and the wood is frozen together!

    I LOVE your stems! What a delightful sight to see!

  2. Been there done that with frozen everything here. Seems like you need some wood, you gotta work for it.

  3. oh my goodness it's so wonderful to see your twigs sprouting!! I am debating where to put our woodpile too but I have 3 more years to sort out the details. We have NO outbuildings at present so have to decide where I want my barn too. Decisions decisions:)

  4. Do you think we will EVER see the ground again? Or that we'll just keep getting snow forever? It's become rather tedious the past week or so, but before that I was pretty much okay with it. The good news does eventually melt. Eventually.

  5. I love the idea of forcing stems. Do you just put them in water and wait, or is there more to it? I am thinking of the double flowering plum I have. Wow, if I could make that bloom inside, I would swoon... :)

    Hang in the with the snow! My birdbath is completely buried right now but it has warmed and it is getting brighter out there - really! :)

  6. wow Marguerite that's a lot of snow no wonder you are getting tired of it, then to have extra snow from the plough on your woodpile, urrrrgh! it does take time working out the wrinkles of where the best place is for things,
    I've taken some photos of my twigs too and will get around to writing a post later today or tomorrow, mine have come on more than yours I wonder if that is due to the overal more temperate climate here or perhaps my old bones mean I have my heating on higher than you,
    love your rosa rugosa thanks it reminded me of the perfume of summer,

  7. Kim - was it ever frozen together! Jody had to use an axe to dislodge some of it from the ground.

    Donna - oh we have lots of wood. 9 cords of it. Accessing it has turned out to be somewhat difficult though. Even more work than normal.

    Jane, a barn? do I see some animals in your future? might I suggest a donkey, I like donkeys.

    jodi - it feels like it will never stop at this point. a little bird told me we're getting more snow tomorrow. I'm too scared to look at the forecast.

    Ms.S - I followed jodi's instructions @ Bloomingwriter. I cut the stems and put them in tepid water for a couple hours to adjust. Then placed them in vases with a solution of vinegar, bleach and I believe it was sugar? They have been sitting ever since in a window just taking their time. Plum blossoms would be wonderful, you should try.

    Island Threads - we were lucky to inherit these roses with the property. The smell in June is simply wonderful.

  8. Marguerite I just read your reply to Ms.S about your cut stems and I had completely forgot about the 'solution' mine were just put in room tempreture rain water,

    pink rosa rugosa grows abundantly on the island though I do not have any in my garden but I do have rosa rugosa alba the white version, here and I would imagine where you are it takes very well as cuttings, hardwood cuttings just pushed in the soil, Frances

  9. Ugh! Too much snow! Your garden shouldn't be thirsty all summer with all that water! I am passing the Stylish Blogger award to you for your wonderful blog! Hooray!

  10. I have to be honest, I don't miss the snow. At all. I also really don't miss March and April which by southern standards are two of the nicest months on the planet, and by northern standards, are two months that are just like February.

    All that said, your garden, with all that whiteness, looks a lot better than mine, where it never snows, everything just dies and turns into a gelatinous mush. So, I guess what I'm saying here is.... sure does look pretty :)

  11. How fascinating to watch the stems come to life...I love that idea! Also, your comment about Matt the Electrician had me rollin'! He is a local musician but your explanation is much funnier ;)

  12. I just popped outside to collect milk from our overflow freezer and came in saying "well it might be sunny but it's also pretty cold". Then I see you trying to dig out your wood pile... Not cold here at all... Methinks a woodshed adjoining the house close to a side door might be an answer, covered in lovely climbers in summer and snow in winter?! No wonder you have blooming sticks in your house, you must need that small promise of Spring to come. Hope your mailbox remains clear. Look forward to seeing your indoor blossom party.

  13. We are knee deep in snow here as well, but after days and days of extreme cold, today we have the treat of mild balmy weather. The forecast predicts that temperatures will plummet by noon, so it won't be much of a reprieve. Still, any break in the winter weather is a welcome respite.

  14. Amazing the transformation your landscape makes from summer to winter! What a miracle that it all returns again from that snow smothering. Love your forced branches!

  15. Frances - you said your stems opened up much quicker than mine. One reason I thought might have made a difference is how cold it was when I cut the stems. Temps were around -18c at that time so it would take a while for the plants to really warm up and come to life.

    TS - I was thinking the same! last summer was quite dry after a very mild winter. This year should be different. It's not often I'm mistaken for stylish (haha, now is probably not a good time mention the white out all over my hands) but many thanks for the compliment.

    Jess - I understand completely. While spring is lovely, knowing warm temperatures are on the way, there's also the MUD. I'll bet your lovely southern garden doesn't have that season either. Snow, mud, mosquitos - why didn't I move to South Carolina? can we trade?

    Whimsical Gardener - music?! how old and unhip am I. Here I'm thinking about house renovations and it's a popular band. must get out more.

  16. Plantaliscious - we've had a couple conversations about making some sort of addition on that side of the house. Unfortunately there's a slope there which makes things a little difficult.

    Jennifer - when it's so cold even a few degrees warmer seems like heaven doesn't it? I'm just happy if the wind doesn't blow.

    Floridagirl - it really is amazing what the plants go through. It's one thing to see a large tree get covered at it's base but when you see small plants and shrubs completely covered and think how they make it through that. they really are resilient.

  17. I love a pussy willow. How sweet to see after a grueling day of digging out of the snow. I would last one day up there, seriously. Maybe two, but then the locals would pay to ship me home.

  18. Cheri - today I felt like sending myself somewhere warmer.. permanently. It's a blizzard out there and I had to drive through it and I'm not a happy girl AT ALL. Some days are tougher than others and I think I've hit my limit. Please please let it stop bloody snowing.

  19. Hi Marguerite, I tried to email you but your link wouldn't work!

  20. sorry Kim, thanks for letting me know, I'll get that fixed tonight. you can reach me at canoecorner AT hotmail. how's your little goat doing?

  21. I'm hoping the wood stacked in the basement holds out until I can get to the outside stack easily. Dealing with a season's worth of firewood is enough work without having to dig it out of the snow.

  22. Wiseacre - don't we know it!! 9 cords of wood is no small potatoes to chop and pile. Wish we had more room in the basement to accommodate it all. We definitely need to think about building a covered area closer to the house for storage and easy access.
