
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's A Cat's World

Let me be clear.  My cat is not allowed on the kitchen counters.  That is highly unsanitary and not acceptable.  There's more than enough other things for him to climb on.

But he's a good cat and would never do such a thing anyway. 

*sigh*  It's hard to be angry when they're so darn cute.


  1. Looks to me like he's following the rules. Windowsills don't count, I'm pretty sure.

  2. Funny. If you have the secret, let me know. Mine REFUSE to stay off the counters.

  3. They are so cute that I have forgotten what the rules were.

  4. Bwah! None of our cats would do that...nope, not much. :-)
    Now here's a funny thing...the word verification is tabbies!

  5. The secret is to put packing tape (you know, the kind you use to seal cardboard boxes shut) upside down on the counter. Just tuck the ends under to make it stick to the counter. Cats *hate* it when anything sticks to their paws.

  6. adorable. Cat can be smart. We had sick cats before and he/she give us a hint by wee in the sink. They were some blood on it, so we can send them to the vet. They only do this when they are not feeling well.

  7. My cat is also not allowed on the counters, or in the window above the sink. Its going about as well for me too. And she just ate I don't know how many Better Cheddar crackers. What kind of cat eats crackers?!

  8. This is why I don't have cats! A major part of their appeal is their tendency to flout house rules - any rules - but the kitchen thing I really struggle with. I love to see other people's cats doing their thing though ;-)

  9. I have 5 cats. They know were they are not allowed to be so they only do it when no one is looking :)

  10. Our two Siamese are not allowed on the counters, which they interpret to mean "not allowed while humans are in the room or nearby but perfectly fine otherwise" Tell me again why people keep cats?

  11. Awww.. they only wanted to see out the window. Mine is not allowed on the counters either but I know he gets up there when I'm not looking. If he hears me coming I hear the clump of him jumping off.

  12. Liz you're right of course. He's allowed in every other windowsill, just not that one. But somehow my explanations just aren't coming across to him.

    Donna and On My Soapbox - I will admit that when we first adopted Gino I put cayenne pepper on my kitchen counters to teach him to stay off. Some might call that animal cruelty but it worked well and we've never had much of a problem. Unfortunately in this house the feral cats sit on the outside of that kitchen window so it's hard to make our cat understand that although it's okay for the ferals it's not okay for him.

    One, I think the problem is that it's hard to have rules where cats are concerned. Thank goodness they're so darn sweet.

    jodi - who knew blogger had a sense of humour!

    Malay - Cats are very smart and obviously your cat knew how to get your attention when he needed it. Hope your little boy is feeling better.

    Jess - LOL. and I thought my cat's eating habits were strange. One of his favourites is potato chips. I swear he's a salt junkie.

    Plantaliscious - I love my cats and I often choose to look the other way on a number of bad habits but walking about on food counters really does me in. A good disinfection took place after that.

    Johanna - oh those pesky cats. The problem is they're too smart and know how to get their way when you're not looking. Luckily hubby works from home so our cats are pretty well monitored.

  13. Marguerite he has such an adorable expression, in any home with cats the cats set the rules, that's one reason why I love them, their independence, Frances

  14. Sure, and they don't scratch the furniture around our house either...LOL.

    Great post.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  15. Hahahaha Marguerite you really had me going there for a minute!:) At least they are being very careful not to knock anything over. This is part of the reason I adore cats (the only one I have left now is 17 years old)is because they DO flout the rules (so do I!!!!!)

  16. Laurrie - I find the fact that cats are smart enough to know when they're outwitting us to be oddly endearing myself!

    Bonnie - and that's why I had such a hard time being mad at him. He sees the feral cats sitting on the outside of the window (that's funnyface peering in) and he thinks it's perfectly okay to do the same. How can I explain otherwise?

    Frances - you're right. sometimes I think the cats simply agree to live with us, rather than the other way around.

    Jen - don't even get me started. we USED to have a very nice wool rug....

    Jane - very true, as you can see from the photo there were a lot of dirty dishes to be knocked over and he was very careful not to touch a single one!

  17. my cats go where they please. The only law they have to obey is not to scratch the furniture or the carpet. Two out of three obey these rules to the letter. The third cat? Not so much!

  18. Marguerite, I once had two Siamese cats who I was absolutely convinced had been well trained not to get on the kitchen counters. Then one day, after I had left for work, I realized I had forgotten something and came back in to get it -- without opening the garage door, which apparently was their usual signal that I was coming. I shrieked at the sight of both cats on the counter; they looked guilty, put their ears flat against their heads, and ran off to hide. From then on, I realized that they were just doing what they thought made me happy when I was home. But the rest of the time -- hey, it was their house! -Jean

  19. Kim - I'm a lot less stringent about scratching than kitchen counters. Our furniture is pretty much all second hand anyway so a few scratches don't bother me. The counters thing for me is all about worms. The feral cats have worms and I do give them all pills but I'm always worried about it anyway.

    Jean - They definitely know how to please us and get their own way don't they!

  20. My cats do what they want, because as far as they're concerned, it's their house not mine!

    One of them is forever scratching the carpet, even though they have a perfectly good scratching post to use. She does it right in front of me and is most affronted when I tell her off.

    As for the kitchen worktops... sigh...
