
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

On the Inside

Although the sun has been out this week half the yard is still covered in snow and I'm not able to garden. So I thought I would spend a little time with my indoor friends.

After seeing photos of so many lovely orchids on others blogs I was tempted.  Even though I've killed one before I decided I was willing to try again.  How was I to resist when they put them next to the check out counter.  Got you gum, check.  Got your magazine, check.  Got your orchid, check check.

New life is taking hold in the bathroom window

These little spider babies are sprouting roots in the Unbreakable Bodum, which promptly broke one month after purchase.  Oh well, at least it's found a new purpose in life.

More yellow flowers, I do love yellow.

African violets, you can never have too many.  I love the little guy in the back with the spot on his forehead.

A sure sign of good things to come, pussycats are lounging in the suddenly warm sunshine.


  1. My only houseplant is a very sad little African violet that has been in a cold window sill all winter. But my garden is sprouting! Hooray!! Love your cats! I grew up with four but my hubby is allergic so no more cats for me.

  2. Hi I came from your comment in Carol's. I am amazed at the resistance and stamina of this Phalaenopsis to bring forth flowers in Canada cold. Are you sure they did not grow this in the cultured environment with higher temperatures? Or else it might die again in your windowsill. Oh i'm sorry to say that, i hope it wont. But i just assumed your temp in the window sill is 0C and lower, mostly in the minus range.

  3. After reading your first para, I imagine you were going to show photos of your cats in the house. Surprise! Surprise! Spring must be getting nearer.

  4. Thank goodness for indoor plants to get us through the long end of winter / earliest spring! (I like the new blog format... very fresh and new and nice for spring.)

  5. My one orchid, which I bought a couple of weeks ago, is still alive! I have African violets, cyclamen, and kolanchoe in bloom in my house. Finally I have some crocus blooming outside.

  6. Hi Marguerite, I love the new look of your blog. So springy! Even here on the Mason-Dixon line (border between the "north" and the "south" in the US), we got some snow yesterday, with more promised for tomorrow. Like you, I've been happy for some indoor blooms to take away the sting of this return to winter. My stalwart cyclamen have been in bloom for months, and my Apple Blossom amaryllis, which took forever to send up its flower bud this year, is looking gorgeous. I've never tried growing orchids, but I find myself thinking about them more and more. -Jean

  7. TS- I'll admit I have two other african violets that are not doing so well. They've been put under the lights with my seedlings to see if I can't rescue them. Luckily you've been able to rescue all those
    wonderful dogs in place of cats! As long as there's an animal somewhere underfoot I'm happy.

    Andrea - Welcome! The orchids were most definitely bred someplace else and shipped in. I've put mine on the top floor of the house where it's warmest and there's actually a radiator underneath that window so hopefully this guy won't be too cold. He still might not make it but that would probably
    be due more to my bad planting keeping habits than anything else!

    One - Well I had to sneak one cat photo in but I thought I should capture these plants in bloom while I had the chance.

    Laurrie - You've got that right. My yard is still under snow (and I hear we're getting more) so thank goodness for a little inside colour. Thanks for the compliments by the way!

    Bonnie - Sounds like we have a very similar array of house plants. Except I have no crocus outside to gaze at. Still just snow *sigh*

    Jean - I'm surprised that your Pennsylvania garden is still getting some cold weather. I would have thought you were well into spring. I've never tried bulbs indoors but I've seen many beautiful Amaryllis on other blogs that are so tempting.

  8. Thanks dear,

    Always fun to drop in for a visit.

    All spring joys,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  9. Marguerite girl I am embarassed about my poor little house plants .. I made the mistake of buying some oxalis for St. Patrick's Day and a load of those annoying little flies came with them and of course you don't notice that until it is too late?LOL .. Yes .. my Sumac looks drastic when it is in pollard mode but the event of it leafing out is amazing .. although, it is getting quite old now and I wonder each year IF the miracle will happen ?
    Love the look of your blog girl !
