
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Triumphs and Tragedies

For the past six weeks my dear spouse has been in Toronto while I have been keeping the home fires going.  That has proven to be exhausting work.  The vegetable garden has been producing beets, carrots, cilantro and lettuce that all need picking.  And the apple orchard is now in its full glory.  I spend three hours each week just mowing the lawn (and that is truly ridiculous considering we only mow half our property).  I am loathe to admit it but I still haven't planted all the perennials I purchased earlier in the summer.

Plants still waiting to go in the ground
Taking care of a large house on 3 acres is no small feat I tell ya.  But this weekend Jody came home so I celebrated that as a triumph.  I threw chores to the wind and we headed out on the town for dinner and a trip to the race track.

The plants can wait just a few more days can't they?


  1. I too have plants waiting. They have been waiting for a month already. I may be overwintering them at this point. I can not imagine three acres to tend myself. I tend my little plot and that is pretty much it. The farm has lost of workers and I don't really do much there but roam around and take pictures. Well, I do select the plants for clients, so I guess that is something. Nice you had a good time at the tract. I would enjoy that too. Nice photo!

  2. Glad you got a night out on the town after all your hard work! I am sure the plants won't mind waiting another day especially when they know the gardener will be happier!

  3. Not only is the garden being productive, but it all needs eating and when hubbies are away...well they sure are missing out on 'good grub' ;-) It's the chores too, so I hope next year, he won't be gone during harvest time.

    Now dinner and the race track...that sounds fantastic!

  4. I know how much work our little farm is! The shrub/perennial beds are always the first neglected! You deserved a night out!

  5. Donna - oh good, I'm not the only one having trouble getting plants in the ground. Some of these may end up in the cleared vegetable beds and then planted in the spring. A good part of my landscaping plan is simply returning the land to nature. Partly because it seems the right thing to do but also I can't possibly manage that large of a garden.

    Karin - the stress has started to lift already! So nice to have a night out and turn some of the chores over to someone else!

    Brenda - how true, it's not just the chores but the eating! hubby was very glad to come home and still get some of the fresh food.

    Aagaard Farms - I'm amazed when I see couples taking care of small farms. Some days it takes all my energy just to feed the cats, can't imagine all the other animals and then tending all those veggies.

  6. Oh, definitely they can wait! Time with your spouse is the most important thing. The race track looks like so much fun! I can never get all my chores done, either!

  7. Hi Marguerite, I can well imagine that you have been super busy while keeping the home fires burning with 3 acres to worry about. You have your priorities right to throw the long list of chores to the wind and have a bit of fun. Life is too short! I haven't been to a horse race in years. I bet you had a great time!

  8. I think that, by taking care of the garden all summer, you earned that brake little break.I am sure the garden will keep growing very well.

  9. Hey girl : ) I have plants waiting to be moved so I feel a wee bit guilty too but tomorrow is another day .... right ? LOL

  10. I just planted my last two perennials that were 'waiting.' They'll most likely keep while you do what is good for you and your family.

  11. Did you say SIX WEEKS!!!? Good grief woman, I'm surprised you made it out of the house, tee hee! If your plants have waited this long what's a couple more days:) And thank goodness now HE can cut the grass!

  12. This is a rough time of year for you to keep the home fires burning. Good for you. I know your wagon plants will soon be in their new homes.
    Nice that you both took time to relax and enjoy an evening out when he got home.

  13. I like your Triumph this time --- the return of your spouse! Very nice.

    I can't imagine caring for 3 acres and an orchard while working. My half acre exhausts me, and I grow no vegetables or fruits. And I don't work. Keeping your home fires going counts as a Triumph, even the unplanted plants!

  14. I imagine most of us have plants sat in a corner somewhere patiently waiting for us to find homes for them. Or, in my case, waiting for me to pot them on! I think you deserved your day at the races - great shot of the horse.

  15. Holley - I think I need to learn how to stop creating so many chores. I have too much energy for creating lists of things to do!

    Jennifer - It was a great time. There's something about hanging out on a warm summer night and watching pretty horses and cheering.

    Fer - the problem is it grows too well! ha ha. The weeds have overtaken everything.

    Joy - that's it, each day I keep saying I'll get it done today. It's not all done but I am getting closer.

    Sage Butterfly - the plants have kept for this long I suspect a few more days won't be all that bad. I just had no idea when I purchased them it would take months to get them in the ground!

  16. Jane - yep, he was gone 2 weeks already when you guys visited, although I managed to sneak off to Toronto to spend time there. Of course, now the weather has turned colder the grass isn't growing near as much and doesn't need to be cut. Figures ;-)

    Janet - I hadn't thought too much of it when the decision was made for him to go but I quickly realized September is a terrible month to try and do this alone. Between the vegetable garden and the orchard it's simply overwhelming.

    Laurrie - sometimes I wonder what I was thinking trying to put in such a big garden when there's so much else to do but in reality it brings me a lot of joy and it's a great excuse to spend my summer outdoors.

    Janet - somehow I thought I was the only helpless one that couldn't get around to putting plants in the ground. It's usually my favourite chore but I really overbought and got swamped. A night out certainly helped to ease my stress.

  17. It's funny, until I lived here I always yearned for more space. You're right, that extra space can be challenging to maintain, especially when one of you is off somewhere else. I love apple season though, and it looks like we might get our first from the orchard this year.

  18. Marguerite I've been away so behind reading blogs and only just catching up, I too should be in the garden planting out plants bought earlier this year, I've made a rule to myself that I cannot buy another plant until I get the waiting plants in the ground, don't know how long I will keep it,

    you need to get out and do something different occasionally, so glad you had a good time,

    I only have 1 acre, am retired and I can't keep up! after years of strugling to do it all this year for the first time I made a rule to keep a few areas looking fairly good and tackle other areas when I have time, this has worked well as it has been so uplifting to see the looked after areas that the 'don't have time for areas' don't depress me any more and I feel like I have achieved more this year (despite our weather) Frances
