
Saturday, November 26, 2011

An End to Fall and a Start to Christmas

My apologies to my blogging friends as I have been terribly neglectful lately reading others posts.  I had thought that fall would bring some respite but my schedule is busier than ever.  Even the garden still has chores that need doing.  We have been deluged with apples to the point that even today at the end of November I found myself working in the orchard picking up fallen fruit.

Even as the leaves yellow and fall there
are still apples to be cleaned up
While some of you may have started your Christmas shopping on Black Friday we are trying to finish up our shopping.  Living on the opposite site of the country from family and friends means that gifts must be shipped out early to reach their intended destination before the big date.

We've been hitting up craft fairs and stores for several weeks now and many presents are on their way west.  Normally I wouldn't decorate our house this early but I have pulled out a few bits and pieces as I wrapped presents to get me in the mood.

Speaking of decorating, the old Canoe Cove Schoolhouse has been dressed up in its finest this past week for the Canoe Cove Christmas House Tour which will take place this Friday, December 2, 2011 from 6:30 - 9 pm.  Four homes will be opened up for viewing as well as the School House which will feature an assortment of Christmas treats, apple cider and a door prize.  Any locals looking for tickets to this event can contact myself or visit the Canoe Cove website.

No time to rest after the House Tour as it is followed the following weekend by a Live Nativity.  Every year Jenkins farm puts up a fantastic display of christmas lights and this year they decided to expand and include actors, a choir and animals including cows, horses, donkeys and llamas.  Yours truly will be singing in the choir so I've been exercising my rusty pipes in preparation.  More details can be found here.

And if that isn't enough the annual Canoe Cove Christmas Concert will be held December 17 at the Old School House.

It's a full schedule of events here on the Corner, I just hope I have energy enough to keep up with it all.  Perhaps the nanaimo bars cooling in the refrigerator will help give me an added sugar boost?



  1. I can relate...I have packages that have to be sent overseas and we will be traveling before the holidays so Christmas preparation need to happen early! Plus, I don't like hanging decoration in the cold so they outside decor has to be done right after Thanksgiving before the cold winds blow this way! Your Christmas shopping sounds delightful!

  2. Gosh you have been busy . I must admit that I have most of my Christmas presents sorted as I don't like the crowds in the shops and long waits , only to be told they have sold out.It sounds like you are going to be having a busy festive time.
    Thank you so much for the recipe for Nanaimo bars. Have not heard of them this side of the pond.

  3. OMG Marguerite .. just the mention of those famous BARS make my toes curl in delight .. I just had a hot chocolate with honey toast to try and start my engine to get some things done .. yesterday I was in the garden with husband trying to get a bit more garden clean up done .. husband worked very hard and longer than I could .. but I did my black urn decoration with greens for the entrance and hung the BIG Costco Xmas wreath .. but indoors nothing has been done yet .. you have inspired me though .. so maybe some time this week ??LOL
    Enjoy those bars (drooling here)
    JOY : )

  4. Did you get a dumping of snow? I know they got a fair bit over by Montague. When Kazi was little I used to take her to an outdoor nativity play - we loved it! The story unfolded as we walked through the woods next to a church. Near the end the choir would begin to sing - they were everywhere - up in the trees, throughout the woods - it was magical.
    Would love to hear you sing!! Do you have to climb a tree??

  5. wow Marguerite you sound very busy and full time work as well no wonder there is little time for your garden, the activities sound really nice would love to see the nativity, Frances
    ps no need to apologise we all have times when we are busy and can't spend so much time on the internet, that's what's nice about blogging you can read in your time,

  6. This time of year seems to fly by. I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels behind! It seems there's a constant stream of things going on!

    I made the mistake of clicking over to those Nanaimo Bars...oh my...

  7. I hear ya on the whole shipping thing. I pledged to buy local this year. I need to mail my gifts all over the place. (Including Italy.) A fast trip to Amazon could have made life easy though not nearly as gratifying. Nanaimo Bars... I could do with a sugar smack right about now. :)

  8. I have been procrastinating about Christmas shopping, thinking oh, there's plenty of time. But you've reminded me I have some that do need to be mailed early--I'd better get with it! Enjoy your holidays and be sure to keep those sugar levels up:)

  9. Doing my best to catch up with everyone as well...The cool fall weather has definitely renewed my sights on all the projects I had not tackled during the summer heat. Lots of holiday fairs to visit here as well.

    Luckily your summer weather still left you with plenty of apples. Hope you can use them.

  10. Yum. I love Nanaimo bars. Have fun with all your Christmas goings on. You need a break from the garden anyway:)

  11. No wonder you've found it hard to keep up with reading blogs!! Take it easy and enjoy the lead-up to Christmas - and being WAY ahead of most of us with your planning, even if it is essential due to distance.

  12. I love that picture with the christmas balls in the metal basket. So beautiful! Sounds like you are really involved with your community--that's so wonderful! Keep up the good work. The apples can wait :)

  13. Karin - lots of people decorate early here to avoid the cold weather. Not a bad idea, rather than freezing your fingers off in the cold.

    Kentish - In British Columbia Nanaimo bars are fairly common but I'm finding living in Eastern Canada most people aren't familiar with them. I'm glad to share them as they're one of my favourite christmas treats.

    Joy - you've got one on me, we don't even own outside decorations! With all the outside work needed on the house I've put off buying any outdoor lights.

    Jane - um, I'm in the choir more because they need warm bodies than my singing ability!! The nativity is being held around the farmyard so some people will be around the manger and the choir will be performing on the farmhouse porch.

  14. Frances - thanks for your support, sometimes life can be a bit overwhelming.

    Clare - they're as good as they look. Terrible for the hips.

    Kate - I just love unique craft items and I feel like they make better gifts as it's unlikely the recipient would ever receive two of the same! With us living so far from family now it's nice too to share a bit of our new home.

    Rose - every year I have to remind myself to get on the shopping. November seems too early to be thinking about Christmas but I"ll regret the extra shipping costs if I don't get it done.

  15. Tufa - we've had a great fall, so much nicer to garden in this weather where you don't get overheated. After your hot Texas summer I'm sure this time of year must be bliss for you.

    Melanie - I'm learning that these cold winters are actually a really nice enforced break from the garden. Time enough to renew my energy for the next season.

    Janet - sometimes I think starting christmas planning early just drags it out. I have a terrible tendency to want to continue shopping even when I know full well that I've bought more than enough.

    Jen - I have to thank hubby for that photo. I kept catching my reflection in the glass balls but he got out the tripod and helped set up the shot to fix it.
