
Saturday, February 18, 2012

February 2012

Just when I was starting to think again about spring...


  1. Oh My gosh...truly truly beautiful ...glad I'm not there though ;-) ! It missed us, sun shining on the South Shore.. Missed you, glad you are back posting.

    1. Thanks Brenda, you guys have been very lucky this year with much more rain. The last two weeks have been proper winter here with a blizzard and now more snow. I needed a bit of a break from the computer lately and have been curled up with gardening books instead :)

  2. I was really hoping for a few scenes like that this winter but we've barely had any winter at all. Beautiful photos!!

    1. It sure looks pretty I agree, but glad hubby was the one to shovel out the porch and around the car. The drifts have gotten quite bad and I was up to my knees in places taking these shots.

  3. Wow that's a fair amount. However, it is so beautiful.

    1. It sure is a lot but happily it's much warmer this week. That sort of makes up for the amount of white stuff.

  4. We haven't had any real snow here at all this winter. The ice is melting today, I think we are supposed to hit plus 2, and the grass is showing through.
    I've missed the snow this year.
    Enjoy yours, spring is just around the corner

    1. Johanna, up until two weeks ago we were having the same thing. Either rain or snow that melted within a day. I didn't think we'd see winter at all this year.

  5. beautiful photos Marguerite, keep warm,Frances

  6. Ohhh, I'm sorry you have to wait a bit longer for spring, but your photographs are really beautiful!

    1. Despite the recent weather I still have my fingers crossed for an early spring. Last year spring was terribly late and very disapointing so it would be awful nice to see the snow clear away early this year.

  7. Soooo pretty Marguerite - like fairyland:) It looked like that around here yesterday but then the wind started to blow and the snow has all been blown somewhere else and I'm looking at grass again! The snowdrops are up another inch since being covered in snow the last few days.

    1. Jane it didn't take long for the wind to pick up and blow that snow away here either. The trees were clear by the end of the day and today the sun shone very warm causing a teeny bit of melting. Although there's no grass in sight now I don't think it would take long to find it.

  8. Those photos are so beautiful. I think living in a land of cold weather is much easier to take than the constant up and down we have here. Sometimes we can go through the whole range of seasons within 24 hours. Actually started in the cloudy, low 30's and ended in sunny, high 70's one day this week.

    1. You would think our climate would be more stable but we've had a strange season here too. Shifts of +5 to -10 in a day have many of us baffled. It's hard to know how to dress in the mornings isn't it?

  9. Hi Marguerite: Missed you, I was starting to wonder if you were sick with flu or in-laws on the island sent some pictures of the ice storm, they are in King's County as we will be..glad to hear you were reading garden magazines..balm for the "wintering soul"..I bought my first 4 packages of garden seeds today. Green and yellow beans, peas and carrotts..and a new very short handled small rake for my flower gardens. Already have one, it's one of my favorite tools but might leave one on the island..May is coming up fast..happy gardening (in the near future) Lannie

    1. Lannie I'll confess. We went to Halifax a couple weeks ago and I came home with a half dozen garden books. I've been no good to anyone since. :) Today I spent an hour or two in front of the tv watching the Westminster dog shows and plotting out my seed starting schedule on the commercial breaks.

  10. I had to smile... pretty much the same here.

    1. I don't know about you but I had given up on having winter this year so this was a bit of a surprise.

  11. Snow is beautiful, but.... We just got rid of our snow a couple of weeks ago. Today we had a windstorm that brought down the branches damaged from the snow. Sometimes, you just can't win! Spring will be here eventually, :-)

    1. That is problematic this year, lots of damage from wind and heavy wet snow. It will take me a week to clean up the broken birch branches when the snow finally clears.

  12. Marguerite girl I know it might be a bit annoying to have snow now .. but it is beautiful ! .. and think what good it does the ground water and garden ? .. the trees look like they are dressed in their very best like this !

    1. It's like having a party dress on! You're right, too beautiful not to run out and capture it on film. you're right about groundwater although it rained so much last summer, is it possible to have too much water in the ground?

  13. A true winter wonderland - so beautiful, but not exactly spring-like...

  14. You captured the day just beautifully. I was going to take some picture myself especially the day when we had heavy fog and the tress were just so pretty. Thanks for sharing and I'm sure Spring will be along shortly. I'm starting to sort through my seeds to see what I must pick-up for the garden. I bet you are too!

    1. oh I know the day you're talking of! That fog was something and then the frost on the shrubs. I was driving into town thinking if only I had a camera with me. Just spent some quality time with my seeds this afternoon :) The veggie garden is going to be packed this year.

  15. Sorry to see so much snow on your landscape. I do want to say how pretty your pictures are!! Love the snow against the dark bark of the trees against the pink background of your blog page....nice combination.

    1. Thanks Janet, I loved that contrast too of the bright white and dark branches. It's such a wonderfully abstract look.

  16. I am here, and thrilled to bit to see another word verification free blogger!!

    Your tree shots, ah sigh....we had that snow the other day but there were still so many boxes calling that I ignored the camera. Now I regret it, but hey, it will return, the snow, not the camera.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  17. Mother Nature certainly has a way of reminding us exactly what season it is so we don't get ahead of ourselves! The trees are so beautiful but I'm glad the snow's in your garden and not mine.
