
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Versatile Blogger

A bloggie award has been going around lately (gosh that sounds like a flu bug you might catch) and over the past month I've been nominated four times for the Versatile Blogger award! (thank goodness this is much nicer than the flu)  A big thank you to

Jean  @ Jean's Garden - one of the most organized gardeners I know
Karin @ Southern Meadows - who inspires with the many horticultural classes she is undertaking
Kevin @ Nitty Gritty Dirt Man - fellow seed addict
Norah @ Aagaard Farms - who raises some of the darn cutest pigs I've ever laid eyes on

Blog awards have rules so here goes (following them is another matter):
  1. Include the Versatile Blogger Award logo in the post.
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you with a link back to their blog.
  3. Share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
  4. Include this set of rules.
  5. Forward this award to 15 fellow bloggers, and inform them with a comment on each of their blogs.
Next step is the random pieces of information bit.  Sounded like something you might do on a first date so with that thought in mind I figured I would go for some classic getting to know you information.

1.  My Favourite Book.  I'm a reader and have been as long as I can remember.  In fact this photo below is of my current pile of books waiting to be read.  

It doesn't even include the books downloaded to my Kobo!  As you can see there's garden books, victorian novels, biography, fiction and non-fiction.  Fiction is by far my favourite and Jeanette Winterson is a favourite writer.  I read her novel The Passion when I was in college and it's stuck with me over the years.

2.  Favourite Movie.  I'm not picky.  Science fiction, drama, comedy, documentaries.  I'll watch pretty much anything and if I like it I will watch it over and over again.  One of my favourite activities when we lived in the city was attending the annual International Film Festival.  A few movies on my over and over again list are Dumb and Dumber; Harvey; Harold and Maude; The Others and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.

3.  Favourite Colour.  Well that would depend on what it's being used for.  I love red and own a number of red jackets and sweaters.  I even painted the piano room floor red.  In the garden I love yellow, bright and vibrant it glows in the late summer sun.  Green is calming to me.  New green in spring on the trees, shady green spots on a hot summer day, bright green peridot earings, green t-shirts and green glass vases lined up in my bay window.

4.  Favourite Music.  Despite the fact that I grew up listening to 80's pop music I prefer folk music to anything else.  Musicians who can write and play and sing have all of my respect.  My itunes playlist heavily features Paul Simon, Joni Mitchell, Cat Stevens and John Denver.

5.  Favourite Food.  Grilled kebabs in summer, anything that features cilantro, home made tomato soup, and my weakness, good chocolate.

6.  Favourite Flower in the Garden.  Well it is a garden blog so I couldn't not tell you about my favourite flowers.  Dahlias are like candy to me.  I can't have just one.  So many sizes and colours and shapes.

Just when I think I have no more room in my house to store the tubers I buy another one.  

And now for my reading list of fellow bloggers.  This is a list of blogs I frequent on a regular basis for their good sense, their candid writing and their ability to share their gardens and their lives in such a delightful manner.  Please take a moment to visit their blogs.


  1. Thanks Marguerite! I need to get my fingers in gear and actually do some writing/blogging. I am getting stuff done in the garden though, so you'd think I'd be able to come up with something here!

  2. ps. I say go Innocents Abroad next. Love that book.

    1. Thanks Jess, I'm reading The Lost Highway right now and it's right awful so I need a really good book to cleanse my palate

  3. Dear Marguerite, Congratulations on the award. I enjoyed learning more about you. Your pile of books waiting to be read is similar to mine -- Mine includes many garden magazines, too. P. x

    1. Pam, I've tried to cut back on magazines lately but every once in a while I go on a binge. We've got an old wooden apple box full of garden and house magazines.

  4. Thanks for the shout out! :o) We have a lot in common. I've always felt that having a stack of waiting-to-be-read books is a wonderful type of richness. Have you ever read Middlesex by Jeffery Eugenides? Incredible!!!

    1. I love nothing better than flipping through a stack of books and finding something to read. Definitely a luxury. I haven't read that one but I'll put it on my list! reading suggestions are always welcome.

  5. I have a large stack of books waiting to be read too, also in addition to what's on my Kindle! The pile never seems to dwindle...I read one and add two more! We're keeping Netflix going for awhile - there is a lot of variety and lots of older movies too which I enjoy (Michael not so much!) The hardest part is deciding which one to watch - he wants action and I want drama or a thriller - however once we've made our selection it's a quick upload and away we go! Love your green glass!

    1. I understand the differences of opinion at the television! It's rare for us to watch a movie together in this house.

  6. Hey there Marguerite girl !
    It is always interesting to find out a little more of bloggers we read so often .. love that green glass .. and the flowers are beautiful of course (I have a hard time with those ones .. I swear the buys have their napkins tucked in when they see them coming .. so I gave up !) .. books ! .. mine are mainly garden ones .. I collected them and love them and wear them out ! LOL
    Joy : )

    1. It's funny, a lot of people seem to have trouble with dahlias and I can't quite figure why. But that's gardening isn't it - some plants you can't grow to save your life and other people claim they are the easiest thing in the world.

  7. Marguerite, I had to enlarge the photo of the books so that I could read the titles. I see lots of familiar ones there, but some new ones, too. It looks like you're on a Jane Austen kick; I love them all. If you're a fan of detective novels, check out Death Comes to Pemberley, in which P.D. James channels Jane Austen. Books multiply in my house(s) like dahlia tubers multiply in yours. I enjoyed learning more about you. -Jean

  8. I have been away for a couple weeks, and am just now catching up! Thank you so much for the Versatile Blogger Award. And I love checking out the other blogs you nominated --- I already visit many, but others were new to me, and it's fun to find them through your recommendations.

    It's also fun to learn the random things you posted. I need to see a picture of the red floor in the piano room!
