After 3 years of blogging there are some days when it starts to feel like a bit of a chore and I begin to wonder, what am I doing here? have I really got anything to say? is anybody listening?
Sometimes it feels pointless but then there are days when I think - this is freaking awesome!
Let's face it, my dear spouse does not want to hear every little detail I have to say about my garden but when I blog about it there are people who are listening. And sometimes those people find my thoughts interesting, and dare I say, useful. Occasionally people contact me to express their interest and tell me they've enjoyed reading my musings. That's very cool.
Occasionally I also get emails giving me advice. That has also been very cool. Suzi, my onions thank you!
Through this blog I've met people who have also moved to the maritimes from away and we've exchanged our stories and supported each other through the struggles. Just this week I received a phone call from a couple planning to move here from Seattle, it was a pleasure to fill in some blanks for them and hear their story.
There are so many positive connections that have been made and continue to be made.
A couple years back I took this run of the mill photo of a dirty shovel and posted it.
I'm rather embarrassed to say that someone typed 'dirty old shovel' into Google and found me. Although I guess it's not quite as embarrassing as the people who type in 'messy garage' and also find me.
John Rios from
Sidefist Studios got in touch and asked if he could use this photo for a project. and I thought.... really? that crappy photo. fill yer boots.
But sometimes a connection gets made, the universe has a plan and complete strangers find themselves coming together on a random project and making something bigger than the sum of their parts.
I asked John to keep me updated on his project and last week he sent me this. He turned my dull photo into this amazing book cover. Now how awesome is that?
Sometimes I forget how creative blogging is. We take an idea, write a few words, add some pictures and sometimes a spark ignites. It may be a conversation, a phone call, a project. Books get passed along, seeds get tucked into envelopes bound for faraway places and friendships evolve.
I would just like to say thank you to all those who are reading, who inspire me and get inspired.
Also, get involved in some random projects people, it's a beautiful thing.