
Monday, May 6, 2013

Blogging is Awesome

After 3 years of blogging there are some days when it starts to feel like a bit of a chore and I begin to wonder, what am I doing here?  have I really got anything to say?  is anybody listening?

Sometimes it feels pointless but then there are days when I think - this is freaking awesome!

Let's face it, my dear spouse does not want to hear every little detail I have to say about my garden but when I blog about it there are people who are listening. And sometimes those people find my thoughts interesting, and dare I say, useful.  Occasionally people contact me to express their interest and tell me they've enjoyed reading my musings.  That's very cool.

Occasionally I also get emails giving me advice.  That has also been very cool.  Suzi, my onions thank you!

Through this blog I've met people who have also moved to the maritimes from away and we've exchanged our stories and supported each other through the struggles.  Just this week I received a phone call from a couple planning to move here from Seattle, it was a pleasure to fill in some blanks for them and hear their story.

There are so many positive connections that have been made and continue to be made.

A couple years back I took this run of the mill photo of a dirty shovel and posted it.

I'm rather embarrassed to say that someone typed 'dirty old shovel' into Google and found me.  Although I guess it's not quite as embarrassing as the people who type in 'messy garage' and also find me.

John Rios from Sidefist Studios got in touch and asked if he could use this photo for a project.  and I thought.... really?  that crappy photo.  fill yer boots.

But sometimes a connection gets made, the universe has a plan and complete strangers find themselves coming together on a random project and making something bigger than the sum of their parts.

I asked John to keep me updated on his project and last week he sent me this. He turned my dull photo into this amazing book cover.  Now how awesome is that?

Sometimes I forget how creative blogging is.  We take an idea, write a few words, add some pictures and sometimes a spark ignites. It may be a conversation, a phone call, a project.  Books get passed along, seeds get tucked into envelopes bound for faraway places and friendships evolve.

I would just like to say thank you to all those who are reading, who inspire me and get inspired.

Also, get involved in some random projects people, it's a beautiful thing.


  1. How fantastic! Congratulations on your ART!

  2. Wow, not that is AWESOME. His book cover is great with your image. I hope they paid you! Congrats.

    1. The title and the picture work together perfectly don't they :)

  3. I want to thank you for continuing to blog. I don't always comment but I always read your musings. Happy day when a photo gets used on a worthy project.

    1. Thanks Lisa for continuing to visit. I'm sporadic but I'm hanging in there!

  4. This was fascinating, and I loved how you spun the story slowly until we saw the finished book cover. How neat to know that your simple photo is, in a sense, memorialized! Others will see a stylized arty picture on a book cover, but we all know where it came from, how it came to be, and we will know that the dirt on that old shovel is from your PEI garden : )


    1. I love the story behind that picture too. Amazing to think where that came from and where it's gone to.

  5. How exciting to have your photo on a book cover! That really is awesome! That "crappy" photo looks so artistic on the cover of his book, too; think how much time a professional photographer might have spent just to get that perfect image.

    There are days when I feel I've lost my blogging mojo, too; I can't think of a thing to write, and I feel guilty spending much time here. But you are so right--this community is wonderful, and it's nice to have someone to talk about gardening with who doesn't roll his eyes the minute you start talking plants:) I always enjoy your posts, Marguerite, so I'm glad you're sticking with it.

    1. Rose, you've expressed something I couldn't quite put my finger on. That photo looks staged! and yet, I remember taking it. Dirty from head to foot, cleaning out the garage...definitely not staged :) The community of blogs has been a real surprise to me over the years and the biggest benefit. I sometimes forget all I've gained from this experience.

  6. Freaking awesome is right. How wonderful to have a photo you took, used on a book cover!!! Fantastic. Blogging is wonderful and I agree with all you said.

    1. Thank you Brenda, meeting you has been one of the great benefits of writing this blog :)

  7. i think you're right that 'the universe has a plan' and i think blogging is a way to bring people together .. especially gardeners who can't seem to stop babbling about gardens and each and every little movement in the life of each and every plant .. who wouldn't be interested and fascinated by such babblings .. !! .. and, i guess there was a plan afoot when you first took that fortuitous picture of that dirty old shovel .. you're doing a great job, marguerite .. carry on ..

    1. Thank you Jane for listening to my babbles. Isn't it utterly amazing how something mundane that you do one day can turn around years later and be so significant?

  8. Oh that is gorgeous...he saw something in your shot...amazing.

    I love blogging, met so many wonderful people, and have learned so much about computers, and photography.

    It's what motivates me to get out there and take photos when I didn't want to go outside.


    1. I found the way someone else interpreted my shot amazing. I couldn't see it as anything other than a shovel on a dirty wet day. So glad to hear blogging motivates you to do more, I think you're doing it right if that's the case.

  9. M, I'd run out of characters writing all the things i'd like to say. You have shared so much of yourself and your life with our case, a forgotten photo. But the act of sharing and honoring an artist's idea/creative process--that is what's so important here. Our exchange showed me that connectivity, exchange, inspiration and honor is out here in webland--it just takes a little courage. And courage always seems to find compassion and understanding. We just have to keep looking...others are out there...ready to take part in our adventure whatever it may be. I'm just so thankful, I didn't have to look far to find you! :)

    1. Thank you John for such kind words. This has been such a delightful experience, so glad you found me too.

  10. That's very cool about the photo. I'm glad you enjoy your blog, I like reading it because it communicates such a sense of pleasure in what you do and in your surroundings. Also the tone is very relaxing, a big plus in my book.

    1. Thanks Jason, blogging has been and continues to be such a positive experience for me. I guess that good feeling comes across in my posts..

  11. That is SO exciting! And what a spellbinding story you spun us.

    1. Thanks Diana, I didn't really realize I was leading people down the garden path as it were, it's just the ways things have evolved over the past few years. Each day brings someone new into my path and it's been very exciting to see where things have gone.

  12. It is great to read that three years in, you still love blogging! I haven't been blogging half as long as you, but find it difficult to believe that I ever had a life pre-blogging. People are so supportive and interesting - and I have learnt so much over this past year or so.

    That is an AMAZING book cover - you must be so pleased! What a fabulous story!

    1. I know that feeling! how did I manage to garden even before blogging - I've learned heaps from so many people.

  13. That is awesome! Your photo looks fabulous as a book cover! I would have never thought of that. Congratulations to you and to the author!

    1. Me either! I was astounded to see what someone else could come up with. Perspective is everything isn't it?

  14. I quite agree with you - blogging is awesome, also time consuming and frustrating and many other things - but we keep doing it because the pleasure of connecting with like minded people outweighs the bad side. I'm not surprised he wanted to use your picture and it looks excellent on the book cover. I once had a request from someone who wanted to use a picture of mine of bolted lettuce for a university course. It takes all sorts!

    1. thank you Elaine for raising the other side of the coin. we don't often mention the downside of blogging do we? it's true though, we spend an awful lot of time on our blogs, sometimes tearing our hair out. like you though the pleasure I've had from these connections more than makes up for it.

  15. How fun! You're famous! Well, as if you weren't to start with, but a book cover? Awesome! It is fun to make unique and interesting connections through blogging. Congratulations on 3 years!

    1. LOL, hardly famous but gaining some notoriety :)

  16. That is awesome! You never know which photo or which blog post will resonate with someone (other than you). It's nice to be able to share in your triumphs!

    1. Isn't that the truth! I'm always amazed when I look at my stats and see which posts are the most popular.

  17. I always liked that picture because it shows a true picture of a shovel actually being used. So cool looking on the book jacket cover. I wonder if you get a credit mention inside the book regarding the front picture?
    My blogger friend is now famous!!
    You have a awesome blog site that you should be very proud of. It's always full of information, great gardening ideas, new pets and garden pests and just about living a good life.
    Congratulation on 3 great years.

    1. Thanks so much for saying such sweet things :) the book cover looks a little more glamorous than the reality, I believe it's a self published e-book if I'm correct. the bestseller thing is simply the artists rendering of what the book jacket could look like. so not exactly famous... yet. :) credit for the photo will be given to the blog.

  18. Hooray for you!! That is so cool! Sometimes the posts I think are duds click with people and make a difference. Blogging IS awesome!

    1. I know! some posts you think - wow people will be blown away and ... crickets. Others I wonder what was so special?

  19. That's a great picture, congrats. That's wonderful that it's on a book cover!

    I agree, blogging is most definitely awesome. I love the warm supportive atmosphere around it.

  20. Wow, that is so awesome! Congrats!


  21. Marguerite, I love the book cover. Congratulations! -Jean
