
Sunday, March 15, 2015

It's Doing it AGAIN!!!

Snowing that is.

Remember the days when my yard looked like this?

See that lovely compost bin on the left hand side?

Now my veggie garden looks like this.

Where exactly did the compost bin go?

The wood strip you see peeking out of the snow is my bin.  That bin is around 4 feet high.

And what about this?

I have a series of trellis' that support peas, beans and tomatoes in the summers.  They stand around 5 feet high.

They don't look so big right now and after today I wonder if we'll see them at all.  There's approximately another 50cm of snow blowing down on us right now.

I think we're going to set a record in the garden this winter for most snow.  It's the first winter I can remember where I completely lost my compost bin.


  1. I do sympathize as last year was our turn in Ontario to have record snow falls. I would say that by April 1st it was still at least 3 foot deep in the field.We are crossing our fingers this year.There was quite a bit but half of the accumulation melted with the sunshine and above zero temperatures we had last week.
    Wishing you an early melt!

    1. Thanks Alain, last year was a bad snow year too for us. Seems rather unjust to have two years like this in a row but you can't argue with mother nature. Here's hoping the melt comes soon.

  2. We had it last year and we've been so fortunate this year to have gotten very little snow, at least on our side of the island here in NL. Our island's west coast has more than plenty! The storm is heading our way, too! I am so yearning to see the garden again but I guess I'll have to be patient. We should be at Canada Blooms this weekend, immersed in all that's green and growing... Sigh.

    Thanks for your lovely comment about my mom's story! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

    1. Canada Blooms! oh lucky you. What a treat to see a show like that when the weather at home is so darn white. have a wonderful time.

  3. Is what you are trying to say is that you don't have any blooms to show for GBBD? Bless your heart. You do have a little while to go before you will even see the soil let alone anything growing. Try to have patience.

    1. LOL, yes Lisa that is exactly my excuse for no blooms to show. I will need to exercise loads of patience this year I think.

  4. Hi,
    We had a lot of snow in Wisconsin last Winter. Right now, it is almost all gone! I still can not believe it. I wonder if we will receive an April Fool?
    I ordered my seeds on Saturday. I am getting so excited for this garden season. It will come. :-))

    1. how lovely most of it is gone. Even if it snowed again you're sure to have an early spring then I think? I'm pretty excited to garden too. I placed a plant order yesterday - how's that for optimistic?!?

  5. Ugh! Enough snow! I hope you have a fabulous summer to make up for all this. I'd go nuts.

    1. I sure hope so too Tammy. We're close to breaking the snow record set in 1971 and they say there's still more snow coming this week. I'm ready to garden darn it all.

  6. It is just amazing the amount of snow this year. Pickets around the garden here are long gone...down under. Let's hope for a great long summer...I had to laugh when I saw the poles comparing now with summer. Oh my!

    1. Oh Brenda, the fence disappeared! It's hard to tell just how much snow it really is until suddenly you realize there's things missing from the landscape. It's so unreal it's funny.

  7. I've been hearing about the snow storm down East from family and friends. You have my sympathies! Snow at this time of year is just plain depressing. Hopefully, it will disappear soon enough.

    1. It just feels downright unfair at this point. Shouldn't things be warming up and receding? I don't mind snow but this is ridiculous. I can only imagine how long it will take to melt.

  8. It is unfair, Marguerite. But you will see your garden again. Hang in there! P. x

    1. It has to change for the warmer at some point right? I'm holding out but just barely.

  9. Hi Marguerite: I know how you's the same here, feel like we are living inside a snow fortress..Snowing again today..Mother Nature has forgotten us right now..only signs of spring here is the tulip and hyacinth plant I bought! Trying hard to keep my sense of humor when I really feel like screaming :) Longing so for the sight of something green outside..feeding the birds is helping a little..a chick-a-dee sat on my hand one day...chin up, what else can we do! Lannie

    1. what a welcome you're having to PEI Lannie! Two of the worst winters since I came here. You must be reconsidering the move at this point. Nothing to do but wait it out I suppose. Summer will come one day.

  10. Oh my! That means those footsteps are on top of 4 feet of snow!! You folks have definitely had a rough winter!

    1. It's a weird feeling to suddenly realize you're walking four feet overtop of your garden. There's strawberry plants down there somewhere. this is a winter like nothing I've ever seen

  11. catching up ... I hope you are thawing to green?
