
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Hello Again

This is rather embarassing.  It looks like I just up and left without saying goodbye.  The computer says I haven't posted here since June of 2015.  That's almost two years gone by and not a word from me.  What a disgraceful lack of manners.

I have no excuse but I can say that in the course of two years a lot of life can happen.  Gardens flourish, and then are neglected.  Jobs change, moves occur.  In the last two years I began courses toward a degree in legal studies, took a new job working in law and then changed course and opened a theatre with a husband.  I moved to New Brunswick, and then came home again.  There have been arguments, illness, joy, tears and laughter. 

and then the other day I saw this photo

and suddenly it was time to write again.


  1. Marguerite, Welcome back; it's nice to have you back in the blogosphere.

  2. Welcome back, Marguerite! I'd say you have been pretty busy. Looking forward to reading your posts again!

    1. Thanks Rose, and I look forward to catching up with you too

  3. You have been a busy girl. I hope all is well and good with you.

    1. it really has been busy but I love writing so here I go again :)

  4. Welcome back! I know only too well how when life gets busy the time, inspiration and commitment to write disappears. Looking forward to reading more from you this year. Happy gardening!

    1. I think I was just overwhelmed with so many things going on in life. A little break is always a good thing. hopefully it will help propel my creativity

  5. OH Those Tomatoes!!! Missed your blogging..but oh how the past inspires.

    1. I missed those tomatoes! what a long summer it was with no fresh produce. time to get gardening again

  6. Good to hear from you Marguerite! So you're back in PEI? I look forward to seeing photos of your gorgeous produce and flowers once again!

    1. Thanks Jane. Yes we spent the summer in NB and came back in the fall. I missed my garden something terrible

  7. Hello Friend,
    I am looking forward to your garden and how things are with you.
    I have exciting news to share with you, I have started a small Flower Farm/Florist business. I am excited to see what happens this 2017!

    1. That's wonderful!!!! oh I'm excited for you Carla. Can't wait to see how it all goes for you.

  8. Every so often I dip in to see if you are back to blogging - the theatre sounds exciting!
