
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Vegetable Seedlings

I have been so behind on my posts this spring that I think this is the first time I've shown my seedling set up.  I got a bit carried away with tomatoes this year and expansion was necessary.  I had my regular table with lightstand and warming pad set up as seen below.

But as the table and then windowsill filled up I needed more room.  So hubby came to the rescue as he often does.  Shelving was installed in the window frame so that larger plants could be moved away from the lightstand to make room for smaller babies.

A second window was also used and shelves added there as well.  As you can see I had just a 'few' plants growing this spring.

I started to harden them off but due to roofing it got a little complicated and they had to be kept indoors until the wreckage had subsided.

Plants got a few days out on the patio before they had to be pulled in again while the roofing was completed.

Now that the roof is complete I will start this process over again and hopefully get these plants to a safe stage where they can be planted out in the garden in the next week or so.


  1. They look great! What gardeners consider "a few" plants" others consider a botanical takeover. :o) Hopefully, you'll have enough tomatoes to put some up (canning) for the winter.

    Here's an update on my muck bucket frog pond: it has happy frogs, the aquatic plants have spread and the black edges of the buckets are barely visible under all the foliage, and cheap guppies from the pet store are used as mosquito control. I use liquid barley drops to control the algae. It's a huge success!! Plus, the whole set up was about $85. :o) I highly recommend giving it a try.

    1. I'm really hoping for a good tomato harvest this year. Last year it was all tossed due to blight so hopefully the anticipated long hot summer this year will be good tomato weather. Thanks for the update on the pond. Who would have thought store guppies would work for mosquito control. Great idea!

  2. I love your window shelves, It's a great place to grow on the bigger transplants. This year my planting process is interrupted by my sons wedding in the Dominican Republic, for a whole week. I decided to leave the tender stuff for planting out when I get back.

    1. Good idea Melanie. No need to rush those plants outside. They'll do just fine waiting a week. Congratulations to your son.

  3. your 'few' plants all look great and lucky you having a live-in shelf maker, thanks for the welcome back, Frances

    1. There are many days when I thank my lucky stars I have such a handy partner in crime. I never would have been able to rig this myself.

  4. How nice of your husband to build shelves in the windows like that. What a wonderful system. Good luck with the hardening off. It's always so exciting to get new little seedlings out in the ground.

    1. This is a great time of year. The garden is starting to look full and I can't wait to finish it off with these seedlings.
