
Friday, February 27, 2015

Winter's Chill

It was a slow start to winter this year.  We had reasonably warm temperatures and little to no snow for all of December and January.  February changed all that.

A lovely day to go to the beach
A thick blanket of snow fell down and covered the ground.  Enough to get out and snowshoe but still quite reasonable.

The thing was, once it started, it didn't want to stop.

It seems every couple of days now a new storm blows in.  A couple weeks ago saw us receive 80 cm of snow with winds around 130km per hour.  Many roads looked like this afterwards.

We were quite lucky.  The wind swirled around our house and created a vacuum.  There wasn't a drop of snow on our porch.  The shed however will be buried until spring.

Where's the shed?  oh yes, that roof poking out of the snow
Several days later we received another 10cm with blowing winds and drifting.

and then what do you think it did?  oh yes, it snowed again

The flower bed in the foreground and apple orchard in the back
seems winter is far from done with us yet.


  1. Gosh - that is a lot of snow. I hope you are seeing the last of it and that spring arrives early and summer is long.

    1. I hope so too Sarah! unfortunately the weather reports are saying otherwise but we'll make do one way or the other.

  2. Marguerite girl ... it has been one bitter February and I so hope March will be much nicer to us .. but .. those ghastly weather predictors are saying it will be some what like February but not as harsh ? Now what that means is beyond me ... I just keep looking out at the white garden and wondering if it will ever be green again?
    Wow on those pictures girl ... you caught the deep freeze moment with that road !! haha
    Joy : )
    Chin up ... Spring has to come some time ... right ?

    1. I know Joy, I just heard this morning March is to be as cold as February and probably still more snow. The roads were something to behold around here, I've never seen the snowbanks so high. It'll be July before it all melts.

  3. We have had much the same kind of winter, Marguerite. By the end of January, I thought this was going to be a mild, short winter...and then February came! Most of the big snowstorms went to either the north or south of us, so we've never had enough to really cause problems, but we've had enough snow to keep the ground covered all February. And another one is on the way tomorrow! Let's hope that means March will go out like a lamb.
    Beautiful photos!

    1. I had such high hopes in January Rose! I'm with you, hoping for a quiet end to March and early spring but it sounds unlikely from the forecast. I'll keep my fingers crossed though.

  4. Hi Marguerite: Let's hope we have seen the last of winters blizzards. Our end of the island gets less snow than West end, but we've had more than enough I'd say. Jim got snowed in here a couple of times. We need to use our snow shoes to get at our bird feeders, they empty out fast. I bought a lot of gardening seeds last week so raring to get going. Guess I'll have to settle for gardening books for awhile. Let's hope spring isn't far off.. I thought winters were easier here!

    1. I bought seeds too Lannie. Now I'm looking at plant catalogues. I just can't wait to get going! I have my fingers crossed there's no more big storms.

  5. i know it is worse up north where you live than here where I live but winter hasn't been kind to us in February either. It has been 10degrees colder than normal here in Feb. That is a lot and a we didn't have to be told by the weather officials how awful it has been. I am glad your home was spared the worst of the weather. Do take care.

    1. Thanks Lisa. I think generally it has been colder than average this year for most everyone. We're definitely going through our wood supply quickly. Can't wait for spring and green things to come!

  6. It was a brutal February; worse for you, Marguerite, than for me in Pennsylvania. I am trying not to wish my life away; trying to enjoy the beauty of the snow. We have had a couple of days above zero (F) lately, so I am hopeful March wont be quite so bad. P. x

    1. That's a great point Pam, no sense in not enjoying the snow. We have actually gotten out quite a bit this year on snowshoes which has been fun. I don't mind snow so much, I just hope for an early spring so I can get gardening again.

  7. Beautiful snow pictures, but I am glad we have not so much snow. I can imagine you are looking forward to spring and green.....

    1. Thanks Janneke, it sure is pretty but it can make getting around a little difficult. At this time of year I start getting the itch to garden again so I'm a bit impatient for it to start showing signs of melting.

  8. I finally got out for a hike today - the first time in 3 weeks! The problem here isn't the snow however, it's the extreme cold! I think Prince County got the most snow?

    1. thankfully it hasn't been so bitterly cold here. Definitely some cold nights but not near as cold as what you have had this year. Prince County always gets more snow than any other area and this year was no exception. that said, I think the big storm we had hit everyone pretty hard. We had some drifts in our area that were 20 feet high, couldnt' get out of the Cove at one point.

  9. Your home looks lovely in the snow - such lovely pictures - but looking terribly cold but I see you are wrapped up warm - don't worry it can't last forever.

    1. Thanks Elaine, I've been partaking in plenty of hot chocolate this season. I'm about ready to get outside soon though, let the garden season begin!

  10. WOW! That is a lot of snow. Wisconsin did not receive much snow this Winter. Just COLD!!
    My boys are jealous of all your snow. :-))

    1. Carla, the kids around here have been having a ball this year. School was cancelled for an entire week at one point and the kids were loving playing outdoors. Us adults are probably too focused on all the shoveling we have to do

  11. In my part of Maine, we've had some let-up in the past week or so. And the sun is strong enough now that, even with temperatures below freezing, some melting is occurring -- for the first time since December. I'm glad that we have February behind us. We set new records for the coldest-ever February; was that also true in PEI? -Jean

    1. That's something I'm hearing concern over too Jean. There's been no melt at all so far and the snow is built up so high there's danger of floods when it does. Glad to hear you're seeing warmer temps, even a slight reprieve makes you feel better and like spring is on the way. I'm not sure if it was the coldest february ever here but we came close to setting records for the amount of snow received.

  12. I've heard Canada has had a terrible winter. Here's hoping for a slow melt, warmer days, and no more snow!

    1. Slow melt is the key Tammy. It's nice to get it gone quickly but that can have its own problems. I'm particularly hoping for an early spring. I'm ready for warm temperatures and garden gloves.

  13. slow melt for you, and gentle rain for us on the burnt mountain!
