To all my fellow Canadian bloggers, Happy Canada Day! Hope you are enjoying some nice weather this long weekend. Also a happy holiday to those south of the border as I believe Monday is a holiday for you too. It's Friday so that means it's time for Triumphs and Tragedies. Time to walk around the garden and celebrate all that's good and embrace all that's bad. I thought since it is Canada Day I would make my finds this week colour coordinated, so join me for some red and white fun.
Warm weather has moved in rapidly this past week and the garden suddenly jumped into action. Triumph - Blooms are everywhere! Starting with the roses.
Okay, so the roses aren't actually red, more a deep pink, but close enough for me.
Another deep pink that I was thrilled to see was the weigela. This plant bloomed last year but not nearly to this extent. I guess removing the weeds and pruning it had a positive impact.
This plant is absolutely packed with blooms this year |
Another bonus is that I finally got a photo of the blooms that is true to the actual colour, a deep pink/red. Last year my photos all looked shiny pink.
In the real red category the Maltese Cross have begun to bloom as well.
The vegetable garden has started producing food starting with these Rebel Red Radishes
One last pseudo red Triumph is the Diablo Ninebark. I purchased three of these shrubs last summer and was dismayed to find them gnawed by voles over the winter. Another loss I had thought. Once again I was proven wrong - thank goodness! All three of the shrubs have recovered. A number of branches died and had to be pruned out so their form isn't as nice anymore but I'll take what I can get.
The shrubs aren't as bushy anymore but they're still lovely |
An even greater surprise was finding buds on these bushes. They're going to bloom!
And finally some white blooms to add to the mix. This Jacob's Ladder has been blooming for what feels like weeks now and is showing no signs of stopping.
But we know, where there is Triumph there is also Tragedy. The world requires balance. Discovering powdery white mildew on my David Phlox caused some frustration.
David is supposed to be mildew resistant but as soon as I planted him last year he was struck with the white fungus. This year he grew back strong and healthy but once again the white stuff is showing up with the humidity. I hear that powdery mildew isn't necessarily lethal so I could just leave the plant as is but I have two other phlox in the vicinity and I don't want this spreading. Do I pull David?
The final Tragedy of the week isn't garden related at all. We are renovating a room in our house and have been deliberating over paint colours. I really wanted to try a red floor so this week painting begun. First the primer went down.
Nope, your eyes are not deceiving you. We were told that red primer always looks pink. Really? Cause this looks like someone threw up pepto bismal all over the floor. Then we put some red paint down.
YIKES. Avert your eyes if you have to. It seems the pink primer is mixing with the red causing our floor to look like some weird fluorescent rouge hybrid. This is just the first coat and it's still curing so we must wait before trying a second coat of paint. I really hope the floor darkens but frankly, I'm scared.