Does anybody know what content curation means? I didn't. At least not until recently when I received an email through my blog and thought - huh? What is this person talking about?
So many yellow flowers |
So started several hours of research, not to mention a lively household discussion.
This article has one of the most in depth definitions I have found so far.
In simple terms, there are now websites that are taking the most applicable content they can find on various topics and filing it in a manageable and accessible way. In a sense this has been happening for quite some time. Search engines are the most simple example of this. Type a search term into Google and pages of results will come up related to that term. Other websites take it a step further. For instance, the website
AllRecipes contains lists of recipes. You can search through those recipes by ingredient or rating. The recipes have been curated in a way that they are easily searchable based on personal requirements.
New platforms using content curation are emerging daily. Some of these sites, like AllRecipes, are focused on a single topic. Other sites, like
Brain Pickings, cut a wide swath across many disciplines. The idea is that the information you find on them is exclusively picked and considered to be of good quality.
Certainly there's some value to this. Using search engines to find information can at times be tedious. Like the searching I did for this post in particular. I came across multitudes of articles but it took a long time to really find what I was looking for. The internet provides thousands of sources of information on any given topic. Help in narrowing down the focus is appealing.
But how you do you pick... |
The email that started all this discussion was from a new content curation website. They were asking that I submit my blog posts to their site as curated content. I found the attention flattering to be honest and some of my research seemed to indicate that I would attain a wider audience for my blog and greater credibility by becoming curated content.
BUT I have some concerns. Who is doing the curating and what gives them the ability to decide what is the most useful information? Isn't the very nature of curation to limit content? Is that what we really want? An unknown machine or person working behind the scenes limiting the information that we see and deciding what is relevant for us. Sounds a bit Big Brother doesn't it?
And what is the motive of the website that provides the curation? Money, as with most everything, is the driving force. This is business after all.
One interesting aspect of the research I did was that I found information
promoting, discussing and
rejecting content curation. On one side people are saying this is the way of the future and on the other people are saying that it is essentially legitimized theft.
Scraping can be a major problem to many bloggers. But with content curation you are actually giving permission to another site to use your information. On one hand you get a link back but when you hand over permission you ultimately lose control.
just one? |
After hours of debate I still don't know - am I in support or steadfastly against?
What about you fellow bloggers - have you heard of content curation? Are we being led down the garden path by those who are looking to make money off our original content or is this a useful function that we should support?