Friday, May 21, 2010

Triumphs and Tragedies

Gardens are a lot like life.  There are ups and downs and we learn to take the lumps with the gravy.  I like to think the principals of ying and yang preside.  Where there is darkness there must be an equal amount of light.  No laughter without sorrow.  No roses without weeds.  With those principals in mind I present you with this week's triumphs and tragedies.

I have discovered strawberries on our property.  Free strawberries.  It's like a gift from God.  Jody is over the moon, he could eat nothing but strawberries from morning to night.

There are strawberries EVERYWHERE.  They're in the flower beds, in the hedgerow, the lawn.  They are growing up through plastic and enmeshed in landscaping fabric.  Who knew strawberries could be invasive?

While doing garbage duty for the WI Roadside Cleanup numerous small spruces and birch were discovered in the ditches.  Free Trees!!!  I'm sure you can guess what happened next.

My first plant purchase for our yard was an old fashioned lilac.  I planted him a couple weeks ago and now, sadly, he's showing signs of distress.  No idea what's wrong, just waiting to see how far this thing spreads.  Sometimes you just gotta let it go.

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